Wilson Center’s Synthetic Biology Project Announces Product and Application Inventory
The Wilson Center’s Synthetic Biology Project announced on April 29, 2015, a first-of-its-kind inventory to track products and applications using the emerging technology of synthetic biology. The inventory is intended to provide the public the best available look at the many manufacturer-identified synbio-based products and the companies that produce them. The Synthetic Biology Project notes that because synthetic biology is a rapidly changing technology platform, the data represented in the inventory may not represent the most current developments in any particular product category, company, or market status designation. The Synthetic Biology Project states that by crowdsourcing expertise, its goal is to create a “living” inventory for the exchange of accurate information on synbio-enabled products and applications. Registered users are encouraged to submit relevant data pertaining to synthetic biology applications, their function, properties, and producer(s). Registered users can update current product information, upload supporting scientific studies, and add new products, as well.