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February 12, 2016

DOE Puts Out Request For Information On Biofuel And Bioproduct Facilities


On February 12, 2016, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced a request for information (RFI) from biofuels and bioproducts stakeholders on existing biofuels and bioproducts plant capabilities. The facilities should have the "capability to perform process verifications for biomass conversion pathways to biofuels, bioproducts, or intermediates that integrate multiple unit operations on a scale of approximately 0.5 or greater tons of dry biomass input per day." The RFI includes questions on: Technology Pathways; Unit Operations; Integration; Accessibility; Analytical Capabilities and Staff; and Permits. DOE intends to use the information gathered during this RFI to develop a comprehensive list of pilot or process development scale multi-user facility locations to assess existing capabilities and deficits of the biofuel and bioproduct industry. Responses to the RFI must be submitted electronically to no later than 5:00 p.m. (ET) on March 4, 2016. Please consult the RFI for further instructions on how to submit responses.