Insights on policy developments affecting industrial and agricultural chemicals and the products they make possible

March 19, 2025

What It Means to Be “Essential” in the Federal Workforce

Current news on the government efficiency and reform front concerns the near-miss of a government shutdown last week (the budget would have lapsed at midnight on March 14, 2025). One reason some cited against allowing a shutdown to occur is how it might encourage or otherwise aid in attempts to eliminate positions if they were deemed “essential” or not. As one who has gone through the “who is essential” exercise in a senior management position...
March 14, 2025

Will Bipartisan Legislation Be Possible After Reconciliation?

After President Trump’s address to Congress on Tuesday, March 4, 2025, it is unclear if there will be much desire or willingness on behalf of the Democrats and Republicans to collaborate on legislation during the 119th Congress. President Trump and congressional Republicans are moving toward “one big, beautiful” reconciliation bill (that is possible to enact without Democratic support) that will reflect most of President Trump’s priorities. The question is: what happens after...
March 4, 2025

When Career Fairs Tell Government Recruiters: “Don’t Bother to Show Up”

Headlines this weekend refer to “renewed chaos” over e-mails sent to federal employees at most (some? all?) agencies of the government — asking employees to list their five accomplishments for the week. In our February 24, 2025, blog item, we explored how employees might answer such vague requests in the absence of more guidance about who is asking and what is to be reported. The larger issue is that the current turmoil and confused information...
February 27, 2025

House Leadership Announces Priorities for Congressional Review Act Action; No TSCA Rules Are in the Top Ten Targets

Much has been written about the Congressional Review Act (CRA), which Congress can use to repeal qualifying federal agency actions. The CRA was enacted as part of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 (SBREFA). According to the Congressional Research Service (CRS), through 2024 the CRA was used to repeal 20 rules, including 16 during President Trump’s first term. The CRA was also used successfully one time in the 107th Congress (2001-2002) under...
February 24, 2025

How to Summarize Government Work in Five Easy Bullets

It was reported this weekend that all federal employees received an e-mail from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) telling employees to report “five bullets about what you did last week.” The e-mail also states that failure to do so would be interpreted to mean that the employee is offering their resignation. This is reported as part of the drive to shake up or reform, review, or rebuke the federal workforce. Whatever one speculates about...
February 21, 2025

March 14, 2025, Looming as Important Date for Congressional Republicans and President Trump, and May Provide Leverage to Democrats

March 14, 2025, looms as an important deadline in the middle of President Trump’s first 100 days in office, a milestone often used to evaluate the effectiveness of a new President. March 14 is the day that the American Relief Act, 2025 (Public Law 118-158), which provides temporary funding for the federal government, expires. The law was enacted during the 118th Congress and signed into law by President Biden. At the time, some questioned whether...
February 13, 2025

What Can Happen When Federal Career Employees Are Told “You’re Fired!”

Among the less-noticed, less-reported implications of “firing” federal employees for whatever reason (or no reason) is the process under current law and regulations that applies to reducing or eliminating programs and positions within the U.S. government. Known as a reduction in force (RIF), these procedures are arcane, complicated, and could have many unintended impacts even if imposed to attain targeted reductions in specific parts or programs of the federal workforce. The Executive Order...
February 12, 2025

“Unleashing Prosperity Through Deregulation” — How Effective Will It Be in Practice?

President Trump, on January 31, 2025, issued Executive Order 14192, “Unleashing Prosperity Through Deregulation.” This has been referred to as President Trump’s “ten-to-one deregulation initiative” that he spoke about when he was campaigning. If this initiative seems familiar, it may be because you remember Executive Order 13771, “Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs,” issued on February 3, 2017, by President Trump in his first term. That Executive Order called for...
February 7, 2025

EPA Administrator Zeldin Announces Five Pillar Initiative to Guide EPA; What Does It Mean for OCSPP?

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lee Zeldin on February 4, 2025, announced the “Powering the Great American Comeback Initiative” (PGAC Initiative). It consists of five pillars and is intended to serve as a roadmap to guide EPA’s actions under Administrator Zeldin. The five pillars are:  Administrator Zeldin explained Pillar 3 by stating, “Any business that wants to invest in America should be able to do so without having to face years-long, uncertain, and...
January 24, 2025

TSCA in the Spotlight: TSCA Is Focus of First Energy & Commerce Hearing of 119th Congress; GAO Issues Report on New Chemicals Program

In a development no one could have predicted several weeks ago, the first hearing of the 119th Congress in the House Committee on Energy and Commerce (E&C) focused on the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and amendments to TSCA that were enacted more than eight years ago. The E&C Subcommittee on Environment (the Subcommittee) hearing on January 22, 2025, “A Decade Later: Assessing the Legacy and Impact of the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for...