Lara A. Hall, MS, RQAP-GLP
Senior Regulatory Scientist/Quality Assurance Specialist
T: 202-266-5012
F: 202-557-3836
Lara A. Hall is a Senior Regulatory Scientist and Quality Assurance Specialist at Bergeson & Campbell, P.C. (B&C®) and Registered Quality Assurance Professional in Good Laboratory Practices (RQAP-GLP) with over two decades of experience in environmental research, study monitoring, quality assurance, and international regulatory support. Ms. Hall assists clients in placing and monitoring studies to assist with registration of new chemicals, pesticides, and biocides; developing test plans for chemicals that are subject to regulatory approval; and assessing studies for conformance with testing guidelines, data compensation, and regulatory and GLP requirements.
Representative Engagements
- Assists manufacturers of various active chemical substances, additives, and intermediates, and product formulators to develop testing strategies and data in support of registrations in the United States and Europe.
- Assessed studies for compliance with established testing guidelines and GLP Standards to ensure regulatory acceptance.
- Evaluates data to support antimicrobial device claims for products in the United States.
- Inspected domestic and international pre-clinical testing facilities for compliance with GLP Standards to ensure the integrity and regulatory acceptance of health and environmental safety studies conducted therein.
- Supports clients engaged with EPA on risk evaluations of high-priority substances under Section 6 of TSCA, and specifically on the development of data in response to Section 4 test orders.
- Assisted a client in the management of its regulatory and research database to permit continued product stewardship.
- Assisted a client prepare proactively for engagement in the EPA Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program (EDSP) to ensure timely and effective response to anticipated test orders for a substance identified under the Safe Drinking Water Act
Professional and Community Involvement
- Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), 2003 – present
- Society of Quality Assurance (SQA), 2004 – present
- National Capital Area Regional Society of Quality Assurance (NCARSQA), 2003 – present
Articles and Writings
Lynn L. Bergeson and Lara A. Hall, “M&A activity in the analytical services sector: points to consider,” Financier Worldwide, January 2021.
Andrew R. Bourne, Lara A. Hall, Lisa R. Burchi, “EU Biocidal Products Regulation and Its Impact on Industry: A Practical Briefing,” Bloomberg BNA Daily Environment Reporter, February 26, 2014.
Newbold, J.D., T.L. Bott, L.A. Kaplan, C.L. Dow, L.A. Martin, D.J. Van Horn, and A.A. de Long. 2006. “Uptake of nutrients and organic C in streams in New York City drinking-water-supply watersheds.” Journal of the North American Benthological Society 25(4):998-1017.
Martin, L.A., P.J. Mulholland, J.R. Webster, and H.M. Valett. 2001. “Denitrification potential in sediments of headwater streams in the southern Appalachian Mountains, USA.” Journal of North American Benthological Society 20(4):505-519.
Note: Select articles were published under Ms. Hall’s maiden name, Lara A. Martin.
“Sponsor’s Role in Regulatory Testing — Complying with GLP Standards,” Bergeson & Campbell, P.C., (June 13, 2024).
“EPA’s Supplemental Distribution Enforcement Actions Are Buzzing: How to Avoid Getting Stung,” Bergeson & Campbell P.C. Webinar (July 23, 2014).
Bloomberg BNA Webinar — “EU Biocidal Products Regulation: What it Means for Industry and How it Compares to U.S. Regulation” (April 30, 2014).