Carla N. Hutton
Regulatory Analyst
T: 202-557-3809
F: 202-557-3836
Since 1996, Carla Hutton has monitored, researched, and written about regulatory and legislative issues that may potentially affect Bergeson & Campbell, P.C. (B&C®) clients. She is responsible for creating a number of monthly and quarterly regulatory updates for B&C’s clients, as well as other documents, such as chemical-specific global assessments of regulatory developments and trends. She authors memoranda for B&C clients on regulatory and legislative developments, providing information that is focused, timely, and applicable to client initiatives. These tasks have proven invaluable to many clients, keeping them aware and abreast of developing issues so that they can respond in kind and prepare for the future of their business.
Representative Engagements
- Writes a metal-specific quarterly regulatory update for an international association of producers, users, and traders.
- Prepares and writes a quarterly update focused on chemical management regulations in Asia for metals industry associations.
- Prepares a chemical-specific global assessment of regulatory developments and trends, analyzing the triggers initiating the regulatory initiatives, including scientific developments and regulatory actions undertaken in response by environmental activists, public health activists, and related stakeholders, as well as other complicating factors.
- Authors items for the Nano and Other Emerging Chemical Technologies Blog, which reports on federal, local, and international regulatory, legal, and policy developments and is utilized by clients in nanotechnologies and other chemical technologies.
- Authors items for the B&C Biobased and Sustainable Chemicals Blog and the monthly Biobased Update, which report on federal, state, and international regulatory, legal, policy, and business developments in renewable chemicals, biofuels, and other biobased products.
- Authors items for the TSCAblog, which provides news and analysis regarding implementation of the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act (Lautenberg Act) amendments to TSCA, as well as federal and state developments concerning other chemicals such as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).
Professional and Community Involvement
- Member, Nanotechnology Industries Association Regulatory Committee, 2024 –
Articles and Writings
Lynn L. Bergeson, Christopher R. Blunck, Lisa R. Burchi, Richard E. Engler, Ph.D., Carla N. Hutton, and Todd J. Stedeford, Ph.D., DABT®, ERT, ATS, co-authors, “Guide to the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA),” LexisNexis (2024).
Lynn Bergeson, Richard E. Engler, Ph.D., Carla N. Hutton, and Todd J. Stedeford, Ph.D., DABT®, ERT, ATS, co-authors, “Pesticides, Chemical Regulation, and Right-to-Know, 2022 Annual Report,” in Environment, Energy, and Resources Law: The Year in Review 2022, American Bar Association (2023).
Lynn L. Bergeson, Bethami Auerbach, Lisa R. Burchi, Carla N. Hutton, and Zameer Qureshi, Authors, “Case Studies in Regulatory Concepts,” in Chemical Risk Governance, Adam DK Abelkop, Lucas Bergkamp, Lynn L. Bergeson, and Bethami Auerbach, Editors, Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law, Edward Elgar Publishing (2023).
Lynn L. Bergeson, Charles M. Auer, Co-Editors; Timothy D. Backstrom, Lisa R. Burchi, Lisa M. Campbell, Sheryl L. Dolan, Richard E. Engler, Ph.D., Margaret R. Graham, Oscar Hernandez, Ph.D., Carla N. Hutton, Kathleen M. Roberts, Contributing Authors, New TSCA: A Guide to the Lautenberg Chemical Safety Act and Its Implementation, American Bar Association Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources (2017).
“Legal and Regulatory Considerations over the Lifecycle of a Nanomaterial,” International Society of Exposure Science 24th Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio (October 12-16, 2014)